Ukrainian Urological Oncological Society

✔ prostate cancer

✔ kidney cancer

We unite urologists, oncologists, radiologists, radiation therapists and other specialists 🠮 to develop oncourology in Ukraine.

The best conferences and information materials on oncourology in Ukraine since 2009.

11-12 April 2025 Kyiv UA

International scientific and practical conference SOUU-2025

Achievements and prospects in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system

✔ bladder cancer

✔ urothelial cancer


Prostate cancer. PSA Doubling Time


Kidney cancer. NCIU-nephrometry

International scientific and practical conference

Achievements and prospects in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system


Mercure Congress Hall, Kyiv, Ukraine (str. Vadyma Hetmana 6)


International scientific and practical conference


«Achievements and prospects in the treatment of tumors and diseases of the genitourinary system»

19-20 April 2024

Kyiv, hybrid


Scientific and practical conference


«The latest technologies in the treatment of tumors and diseases of the genitourinary system»

10-11 November 2023

The conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. V.S. Karpenko, who made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian urology.

Organizers: DNP "National Cancer Institute" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, NGO "Ukrainian Urological Oncological Society", LLC "Center of Modern Urology"

Event provider: HealthHub

Scientific and practical seminar

«Modern challenges of oncourology in today's realities»

24-25 March 2023


Organizers: DNP "National Cancer Institute" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, NGO "Ukrainian Urological Oncological Society", LLC "Center of Modern Urology"

Event provider: HealthHub



«Prostate cancer in Ukraine: doctors, patients, impact on the economy»

22 Nov 2023 Kyiv, Interfax agency

Within the month of prostate cancer awareness, information on how to recognize prostate cancer in time for men over 45 years old, thereby reducing the risk of the disease in Ukraine.

Press conference with the participation of prof. E. Stakhovsky MD, head of theUkrainian Urological Oncological Society.

Watch a broadcast ▷


Protocol for providing medical care to patients with kidney cancer (2021)

The protocol was developed based on the recommendations of the European Association of Urologists "Kidney Cancer" and the US National Cancer Network (NCCN).

The protocol focuses on the main stages of providing medical care to patients with kidney cancer.

Valid members of SOUU, as well as family doctors, can receive a printed copy of the recommendation at the nearest SOUU conference or by mail (email us at


«About prostate cancer» on YouTube


In the video, oncologists from the National Cancer Institute answer important questions about the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer - prof. E.O. Stakhovskyi, Ph.D. O. A. Kononenko, Doctor of Medicine. O. A. Voylenko, Doctor of Medicine. Vitruk Yu.V., Doctor of Medicine. Stakhovsky O.E.

Watch videos ▷


«Prostate cancer. PSA Doubling Time»

01 Dec 2023

New online PSA doubling time calculator for urologists and oncourologists, developed in Ukraine.

PSA doubling time is an important marker of PSA growth rate that correlates with prostate cancer aggressiveness. In particular, a shorter PSA doubling time correlates with a more aggressive process.

Go to calculator


N.C.I.U. nephrometry takes into account tumor localization and gives the patient more chances for organ-preserving treatment.

According to European recommendations, a nephrectomy — complete removal of the organ — should be performed with a tumor larger than 4 cm.

Oncologists of the National Cancer Institute have developed and use N.C.I.U.-nephrometry, which takes into account tumor localization and gives the patient more chances for organ-preserving treatment.

You can use this online calculator in your daily practice.

NCIU-nephrometry Calculator

PSA Doubling Time Calculator

Kidney cancer
Prostate cancer

PSA doubling time is an important marker of PSA growth rate that correlates with prostate cancer aggressiveness.

In particular, a shorter PSA doubling time correlates with a more aggressive process.

PSA doubling time is a useful tool for risk stratification of patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy and have biochemical recurrence, which determines the strategy of further treatment.

A mandatory condition in the treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer is the calculation of the PSA doubling time, which should be less than 10 months.

Developed in Ukraine together with the Ukrainian Urological Oncological Society

Free. No registration

Free. No registration


Unite specialists in the field of oncourology
Increase the professional level and practical skills
Support international relations
Implement medical service protocols according to European standards





From urology to oncourology

The Ukrainian Urological Oncological Society (SOUU) was created in 2009 with the aim of raising the level of professionally practicing doctors and uniting specialists in the field of oncourology.

SOUU annually holds international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, periodically publishes clinical and methodical recommendations and other scientific and medical literature.

International speakers from EU and USA

We are grateful to our foreign colleagues for their participation and support


years of activity


participants of events


experts and speakers


conferences, seminars, congresses


Every November, the global community unites to draw attention to men's health issues with the Movember campaign to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

MOVEMBER is about prostate cancer

Men who support #Movember for the whole of November will not shave and grow mustaches - by changing their faces, men draw attention to the problem of prostate cancer, one of the most common malignant neoplasms in men.

Every year in November, Ukrainian Urological Oncological Society holds the Movember conference - to raise awareness about prostate cancer - No. 1 among male cancers.

Throughout November, men do not shave their mustaches, and women post photos on social networks with artificial mustaches.

The main goal of the campaign is to encourage men to undergo all necessary examinations, in particular for early detection of prostate cancer.

Prof. Stakhovsky Eduard, MD, PhD

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Head of Ukrainian Uro-Oncological Society (SOUU)

Chief of Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncourology, National Cancer Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Urology Modern Center Kyiv

Leading oncourologists of Ukraine, specialists in screening, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, renal cell cancer, as well as urothelial cancer of the upper urinary tract and bladder.

Oleg Voylenko, MD, PhD

leading researcher of the scientific and clinical department of plastic and reconstructive oncourology, National Cancer Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Urology Modern Center Kyiv

Oleksandr Stakhovsky, MD, PhD

surgeon-oncourologist, senior researcher of the department of plastic and reconstructive oncourology, leading researcher of the scientific and clinical department of thoraco-abdominal oncology, National Cancer Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine)

co-chairman of the Ukrainian Union of Clinical Oncology - OncoHUB

Urology Modern Center Kyiv

Yurij Vitruk, MD, PhD

Senior Researcher of the Scientific and Clinical Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncourology, National Cancer Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Secretary of the Ukrainian Uro-Oncological Society (SOUU)

CEO of Urology Modern Center Kyiv

Oleksij Kononenko, MD, PhD

head of the Scientific and Clinical Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncourology, National Cancer Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine)



You can watch videos from our conferences, seminars and congresses on the YouTube channel of the Union of Oncologists of Ukraine.

Also, a video from the news with the participation of oncourologists, and other interesting information.


Scientific Secretary of SOUU

Yuriy Vitruk MD, PhD, Senior Researcher of the Scientific and Clinical Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncourology of the National Cancer Institute Kyiv UA

+38 (050) 673 20 82

+38 (044) 257 43 19


Post Address:

NGO "Ukrainian Urological Oncological Society" SOUU

National Cancer Institute (Department of Oncourology)

St. Yulia Zdanovska 33/43

(formerly 33/43 Lomonosova St.)

Kyiv, 03022
